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Plantago Asiatica Mosaic Virus was first discovered in the Soviet Union in 1976, and it can be transmitted through mechanical wounds and seedling carriers.

Cat. No.                   

Product Name 

Scope of application 

Detection time        

Storage conditions


:  RT 10256050

:  Agitest Plant Virus Rapid Test - Plantago Asiatic Mosaic Virus

:  Plant field, bulb breeding, tissue culture, quarantine screening

:  Less than 15 minutes

:  2~30℃

:  50 test strips per box

Lily is an important economic flower worldwide. Most lily bulbs are imported. During cultivation process, viral infection greatly affects the quality of cut flower. Plantago asiatica Mosaic Virus was first discovered in the Soviet Union in 1976, and it can be transmitted through mechanical wounds and seedling carriers. In recent years, infections have been reported in various places. And in 2003, it was first confirmed by Japanese scholars that the virus could infect lily. Lily infected by this virus has symptoms of yellowing and gangrene in the leaves, which in turn leads to a decline in ornamental value.


Plantago Asiatica Mosaic Virus (PlAMV) causes severe necrosis of leaves and affects flower quality. Natural host are known to include Plantago Asiatica, Lilium spp., Primula spp., Nandina domestica, and Oriental Lily species. The virus spread rapidly in the lily bulbs from exporting countries, including the Netherlands, Japan, New Zealand and Chile.


One step rapid test kit applies the principle of immunochromatography, serves as a convenient and fast detection method. This rapid test has advantages like time saving, easy to use with high specificity and accuracy, which is ideal for on-spot detection of viruses, bacteria, hormones, antibiotics and drugs. Agitest Plant Virus Rapid Test - Plantago Asiatica Mosaic Virus, can be completed within 15 minutes at room temperature; also apt for storage and transportation at room temperature.

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